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Dental Wellness

Fox Family Dental is proud to offer a discount plan for patients without dental insurance. The plan requires you to keep your routine preventive cleanings and receive discounts as a reward for doing so.

The plan has many advantages over insurance. There are no membership fees, no deductibles, no maximum benefit, only rewards for having recommended cleanings and x-rays. Simply get your routine cleaning and check-up and receive a progressive discount.

By signing up you receive an immediate 10% off all services. After 1 year of cleanings your discount will grow to 15%. After 3 years of routine cleanings and x-rays you will receive a 20% discount on all services. We strongly believe that routine maintenance can eliminate many of the causes of major dental expenses.

Our dedicated hygiene staff is ready to keep your mouth clean and healthy. They will educate and give you insight on how to better establish home care that will maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Routine visits will eliminate the buildup of harmful bacteria and keep you smiling.

The best part of the Dental Wellness Program is there is no hidden cost. You pay for the services at your routine cleanings and the discounts progress. No fees or premiums equals no wasted money. The Dental Wellness Program is a win for your health and your pocket book.

Fill out our Dental Wellness Form online.